Inhalt : 2018 in Frankfurt

Protocol Strategy Meeting PMCamp - 09/02/2018

Frankfurt Airport


  • Heiko Bartlog (PMCampBER)
  • Jola Czagin (PMCampMU)
  • Marco Franz (PMCampRM)
  • Klaus Hofeditz (PMCampBCN)
  • "Lala" Lajos Kesztyus (PMCamp Szeged & Budapest)
  • Hannes Kropf (PMCampHH)
  • Bernhard Schloss (openPM)
  • Hendrik Schröder (PMCampBRE)
  • "Totó" Tamás Tóth (PMCamp Szeged & Budapest)


  • For the first time we had participants from non-german speaking countries, therefore the meeting was held in English

  • Totó and Lala introduced the group to their hometown Szeged showing a video

Decisions and Agreements:

Strategy Meetings:

  • Strategy Meetings will happen in the future in conjunction with a PMCamp

  • The meeting can either take place the day/evening before the start of the PMCamp or during the PMCamp

  • Decision making will happen in the future not only at Strategy Meetings but as well in the SLACK Channel (see below)

  • If an no agreement can be reached, a virtual meeting will be organized using Google Hangout  

  • If no agreement can be reached in the virtual meeting, the case will be discussed at the next Strategy Meeting


New Camps

  • If somebody plans to host a PMCamp it´s recommended to have participated in a PMCamp, but not necessary anymore

  • Minimum requirement is having a mentor from an existing PMCamp   
